Gemini will move mountains, and Cancers will be the center of attention.
On Friday, March 14, someone is recommended to take care of their own, not public affairs. Someone should be careful with their money — there is a risk of spending it stupidly. Someone needs to become more practical, and someone is going to have a great day.
Today you are guaranteed to avoid accidents and awkward situations. Everything else depends on your desire to act and the degree of your activity.
Why do you spend so much energy on public affairs? What has society done for you lately? You want to be in the thick of things, but in vain: when you want to leave, they won't let you.
Today you will have enough mental and physical strength to roll a couple of mountains. You will have to spend a lot of time choosing an object to which these forces could be applied, otherwise they would not be wasted.
Today, you can easily become the center of attention wherever you find yourself. It might even be a bit of a hindrance.
You should be careful with your money today. There is a high probability of making a big but stupid waste.
You will experience ambivalent feelings today. On the one hand, you will be attracted by the opportunity to relax, on the other - to push a sense of duty into your side. Who will win?
Today, you should be more careful about expressing your thoughts about the mental abilities of the people with whom you will have to communicate. You won't be thrilled with them, but that's not a reason to declare everyone to be fools.
Today you will be in a state of complete disarray all day. It will be difficult for you to solve even the simplest questions. Don't be unnecessarily nervous, rely on the common sense of your loved ones.
Today you should be as practical as possible than usual. Even the smallest whim can have unpleasant consequences.
Today you will have neither the time nor, most importantly, the desire to join someone else's game. Well, don't join, and don't try to persuade yourself, you don't have to do it at all.
You may have problems on the personal front today. A dry, rational and highly objective approach to the problem can save you from the prospect of being out of work.
If you ever sit down to write your memoirs, then this day will surely be included in them. You will be on top of it today.Taurus will not be able to sit still, and Pisces will be on the edge and will begin to see through the walls, and Virgo will be in the center of attention, you will become happy, and Sagittarius needs to pull himself together.
Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Gemini will move mountains, and Cancers will be the center of attention.
Astrologers have published a new forecast for all zodiac signs on the last working day of the week.