Kirov developer was involved for advertising
According to the Kirov antimonopoly authorities, an official of OOO Spetszastroyshchik Stroysoyuz has been brought to administrative responsibility for advertising. The agency explained that the developer placed ranges of values of the full cost of the loan in the advertisement in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation "On Advertising", and also indicated significant information in small print in the advertisement of financial services.
In particular, information about the conditions affecting the cost of financial services was indicated in small print, and information about the interest rate was placed on the banner in large print. "The specified information is unreadable for consumers, which means that it has not been communicated to consumers and the formal presence of this information in advertising cannot be perceived as its actual presence, which is equivalent to the absence of this information," the regional FAS noted.
The guilty official was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a warning.
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Kirov developer was involved for advertising
Kirov UFAS revealed violations in advertising distributed by Stroysoyuz LLC.