They made a bookmark in Bekhterevka

They made a bookmark in Bekhterevka

      Today, on March 13, Kirov doctors of the Center of Psychiatry and Mental Health named after Academician V.M. Bekhterev laid a time capsule. According to the regional government, Natalia Bekhtereva, the great-granddaughter of the famous scientist, a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and a member of the coordinating council of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association, took part in laying the capsule.

      The great-granddaughter of the famous scientist noted that "it is difficult to imagine what progress will be in 20 years, given how rapidly the Center is developing and what goals it sets." Note that the time capsule should be opened in 20 years. It contains a message to the descendants about the current state of the institution, its achievements and merits.

      The Center will celebrate its 105th anniversary next year, the regional government added.

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They made a bookmark in Bekhterevka

At the Center of Psychiatry and Mental Health named after Academician Bekhterev was given a time capsule with a message to his descendants.