Kirov sole proprietor selling swings wins court case on copyright protection

Kirov sole proprietor selling swings wins court case on copyright protection

      Earlier, a company from Yaroslavl, Woodenflaks, filed a lawsuit with the Arbitration Court of the Kirov region against one of the local individual entrepreneurs. She stated that the sole proprietor allegedly illegally uses the WoodCoon Swing piece of decorative and applied art.

      It turned out that Woodenflaks, which bought the rights to these swings, found on one of the marketplaces almost the same swings that the Kirov IP was selling. Since the businessman did not agree with the accusation, the parties could not agree, so the case went to court.

      The court concluded that there was no evidence of IP's guilt in the case, since his swing was put up for sale online before Woodenflaks signed a contract for the rights to the work, in addition, the plaintiff did not provide the court with sufficient evidence of IP's guilt. As a result, the claim was dismissed. Woodenflax appealed to the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal, but it did not change the decision.

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Kirov sole proprietor selling swings wins court case on copyright protection

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