Emergency house demolished in Urzhum

Emergency house demolished in Urzhum

      Residents of the Urzhumsky district turned to the prosecutor of the Kirov region, Andrei Oborok, for help. They asked to check the enforcement of legislation in the operation of ownerless and abandoned facilities in Urzhum.

      So, during the inspection it turned out that there is an unused emergency building of a former apartment building on Podgornaya Street. After the residents were resettled, the municipal authorities did not take any measures to demolish the emergency facility for a long period of time.

      In this regard, the prosecutor filed a lawsuit. As a result of its consideration, the court ordered the municipality to demolish the emergency house. As a result, the court's decision was executed, and violations of the law were eliminated.

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Emergency house demolished in Urzhum

The court forced the municipal authorities to organize the demolition of the emergency facility.