30 trees will be cut down in Victory Park
The Kirov City Improvement Directorate reported that it is planned to remove 30 dry trunks in Victory Park. The city administration said that the MCU "Architecture" is developing a concept for the improvement of the park, and if any measures to transform the park territory begin this year, a green zone will be prepared and equipped.
The park also removes the basal growth so that the trees grow better. And closer to May, pruning of shrubs will begin in Victory Park.
The Kirov City Hall noted that before harvesting emergency trees, an appropriate inspection report is drawn up. First of all, they pay attention to the integrity of the trunk: whether there are hollows, cracks, stumps, mushrooms. Signs that the tree may soon fall are the bifurcation of the trunk and its angle of inclination of more than 45 degrees. First, dangerous trees located in the immediate vicinity of the pedestrian zone are removed to prevent falling on people.
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30 trees will be cut down in Victory Park
Currently, workers in Victory Park are cleaning emergency trees and sanitary pruning of green spaces.