Women in the Kirov region are the leaders in the number of job offers
In 2024, women in the Kirov region received significantly more job offers than men. According to the data hh.ru Women's resumes accounted for 64% of invitations, while men received only 36%. The analysis took into account more than 900,000 invitations sent by employers in the region during the year.
In absolute terms, this means that women received 550,000 invitations, while men received 307,000. However, despite this, on average, one female resume receives the same amount of attention from employers as a male resume — 2 invitations each. This is due to the fact that the share of women's resumes on the platform in the Kirov region is also higher than that of men (64% versus 36%).
The most "feminine" fields where applicants receive the largest number of invitations are "Personnel Management, training" (91% of invitations), "Finance, Accounting" (80%), "Medicine, Pharmacy" (77%), "Science, Education" (72%) and "Retail" (60%). In turn, men are more often in demand in "Working personnel" (91%), "Automotive business" (90%), "Agriculture" (89%), "Security" (80%) and "Manufacturing, maintenance" (77%).
Interestingly, compared to 2023, the proportion of invitations for women has decreased in a number of professional fields. This was most noticeable in the areas of "Insurance", "Security", "Working personnel" and "Transport, logistics, transportation".
Despite the large number of invitations, women in the Kirov region have more modest salary expectations than men. The average expected salary in women's resumes is 40 thousand rubles, while men expect 59.8 thousand rubles. This difference is especially noticeable in the fields of "Information Technology", "Finance, Accounting" and "Sales, customer service".
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Women in the Kirov region are the leaders in the number of job offers
Research hh.ru It showed that employers in the Kirov region are more likely to hire women, but the gap in salary expectations between men and women remains, despite the same attention to the resumes of applicants of both sexes.