LMS: "I'll rent the dumpster. Cheap"

LMS: "I'll rent the dumpster. Cheap"

      In February, the VMI announced an auction "for the right to lease a land plot at 2D Blucher Street with the designation "warehouse". As indicated in the notice, the plot of six acres with a starting price of 50 thousand rubles per year is "free from the rights of third parties."

      Applications for the auction were accepted until February 28. On Wednesday, March 5, a drawing was held, where the auction winner received the lot, which gave a tenfold increase in the original price for the land.

      The auction, where the cost of rent increased arithmetically (in increments of 1.5 thousand rubles) every minute, was watched with interest by the deputies of the City Duma, who intended to declare "no confidence" in the head of the Department of Municipal Property, Galina Filippova, at the next plenary session, for whose appointment the assessors voted with a "big creak" on December 19.

      At the same time, the deputies did not hide the fact that the deputy head of the city administration, Aslan Rzaev, also intended to dismiss Filippova for "incompetence," referring to the fact that over the years of work in the LMS (more than ten years), Galina Nikolaevna, a chemical engineer by training, had not gained knowledge and experience in working with municipal property.:

      "Her speeches at the Duma have always been characterized by empty talk, outright misunderstanding of the situation, and ridicule from deputies. So, when the opposition said that Filippova's non—appointment to the post was her personal salvation from "big troubles" and that she would "cheat and sit down," the "majority of votes" expressed to her a "credit of trust," which had already ended in February.

      As explained in the opposition, when they decided to lease a piece of land on Blucher, God himself ordered them to look at the site: "

      It turned out that half of the six acres is occupied by a reed swamp, on which you cannot build a warehouse without drainage work... But that's not the biggest problem. The second half of the site has been turned into an unauthorized landfill, where construction waste has been transported for several years. And hardly anyone would think of rejoicing that this is not Mont Blanc, but just mountains of rotting waste, more than two meters high, left over from the dismantling of wooden houses."

      At first, with a question: where is the Department and the Environmental Prosecutor's Office looking at, because the rotting landfill is located in the water protection zone of the Khlynovka River, the deputies came to the LMS. But only to find out for sure that neither Galina Filippova nor her subordinates "seemed to have heard about any of the functions of land control required by law before putting up a plot for auction":

      "At first we laughed, they say, what kind of fool would rent land cheaply to spend millions on drainage swamps, garbage collection and disposal: a dozen KAMAZ trucks will be required there... And after that, at the meeting, they demand that Filippova be removed from office, since the lack of control over municipal lands is not a mistake, but a series of "blunders." Or worse, the system, as part of a possible criminal offense."

      As one of the interlocutors explained, the VMI already had serious problems with the transfer of land on Borodulin Street: then the tenant of the site went to court for about a year, dealing with the owners of two garages built without any permission.

      Ordinary stupidity or cunning schematism?

      As the well-known deputy of the City Duma explained, their opinion that Galina Filippova did not fit the position "out of ignorance" or "inability to work" changed when the "initial price of the stolen land" began to grow inexorably: "Someone really needed this land... But why"?"Of course, we knew before that a capital 4x4 house on a ribbon foundation had been built outside the lot, on a neighboring plot of municipal land. And the fact that the building, which looks like a security post, is one hundred percent self-built, is indicated by the fact that the land plot has not been formed. And then a completely different picture emerged.: this is not nonsense or a mistake by Galina Nikolaevna, but, most likely, a well-thought-out scheme for legalizing the "scavenger." The developer who has been cajoling the water protection zone in the city for years, saving on the storage of construction debris. Which doesn't even have to build a warehouse, but just dump waste, as before, but on all six hundred. Or not just waste, but building materials that will be protected."

      According to the interlocutor, today it is necessary to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, which will oblige the city administration to remove the garbage at its own expense:

      "It would be nice if Filippova herself were to take it out of her pocket.".. And the local homeless people are helping her by stealing pieces of wood for their stoves and campfires."

      And, according to the deputies, they are able to determine the winner of the auction themselves, through which they can reach "the scavenger himself" ("We will inform Newsler.ru as soon as we find out"):

      "I can assume that it will be some well-known developer, most likely close to Vyacheslav Simakov. After all, it is unlikely that anyone on the "left" would have risked, without the approval of the municipal government, "arranging a fuck-up" on Blucher Street."

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

LMS: "I'll rent the dumpster. Cheap"

The Department of Municipal Property (VMI) has leased a piece of municipal land that has been turned into an unauthorized landfill.