On Pobedilovsky highway, a field flew into a pole

On Pobedilovsky highway, a field flew into a pole

      Today, on March 16, a serious road accident occurred on Pobedilovsky tract. According to eyewitnesses, near the railway crossing, Niva was thrown into a pole, which literally tore the car in half.

      On social media, eyewitnesses of the incident report that the driver of the car flew out of the car at the time of impact — he was not wearing a seat belt. The car was blown into a pole, because, according to eyewitnesses, the driver of the Field went overtaking along the curb, from which he flew off. Fortunately, no one died in the accident. The driver of the Field was injured, the man tried to get up immediately after he was thrown out of the car.

      The accident occurred on the 25th kilometer of the Kirov—Strizhi—Orichi highway.

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On Pobedilovsky highway, a field flew into a pole

A serious accident occurred today near Kirov: the car was literally torn in half.