A draft of applications for admission to the 1st grade has been received at Public Services

A draft of applications for admission to the 1st grade has been received at Public Services

      The department's TG channel reported that applications will be accepted on April 1. Last year, about 825,000 people enrolled in the first wave through Public Services. 75% of these applications were submitted in advance.

      The Ministry of Finance also added that when admitting students, the order of submission of documents is taken into account. Priority will be given to those who showed up earlier than the rest.

      After creating a draft application, a countdown timer will appear on the portal, which will tell you how long it will be possible to submit an application. A second notification will be sent to everyone the day before the start of the admission campaign. If there are benefits when filling out a draft, you can agree to send the application automatically.

      The deadline for accepting applications:

      to the school at the place of residence or to any other school, if there are benefits, until June 30.;

      regardless of the place of residence and the availability of benefits — from July 6 to September 5. In this case, the child will be enrolled only if there are available places.

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A draft of applications for admission to the 1st grade has been received at Public Services

The Ministry of Finance reported that after filling out the draft, the application can be sent immediately after the start of the admission campaign.