"Captain America: The New World" of Politics

"Captain America: The New World" of Politics

      Firstly, because this is the fourth solo film about Captain America, as well as the first where Chris Evans does not play. Let me remind you that at the end of "Avengers: Endgame" (18+), the hero in his performance handed over the shield to the character played by Anthony Mackie, the former Falcon. Also, the current installment is a direct continuation of the series from Disney+ called "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" (16+), characters from which appear in this film, including Bucky. Therefore, in order to restore the full chronology, it is better for fans to know the previous background of the new or old superhero.

      Secondly, this is an unusual film for Marvel. To begin with, his main genre is a political thriller. And in order to convey the paranoia brewing at the top of the American government, the director Julius Ona specifically looked for inspiration in films like "Day of the Jackal" (18+), "Direct and Explicit Threat" (12+) and others. As a result, there was an unusual mix with superheroics, in which it clearly fades into the background, and the brewing suspense and mystery of who is "puppeteering" the process and pushing the world to the brink of a global war come to the fore. Many will see direct parallels with the current state of geopolitics and even the Trump presidency.

      Thirdly, it's nice to see the aging but resilient "Han Solo" Harrison Ford on the screen. It is his performance as president that noticeably lands the whole picture, showing the feelings of an old man who is forced to hide personal secrets at the cost of many lives, which is typical for a politician of this level, and at the same time seek his daughter's respect anew. In general, it is an interesting reading of the Universe, especially for those who are at least a little interested in politics and/ or are already tired of banal and similar superhero films.

      "Captain America: The New World" (2025, 16+). Our rating: 4/5.

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