An African hedgehog was rescued from a uterine tumor at the Kirov veterinary center.
At the Kirov veterinary center, doctors successfully performed an operation to remove a uterine tumor from an African hedgehog named Sonya. Sony's owners contacted the clinic after noticing her alarming symptoms: bleeding, lack of urination, and decreased appetite.
Upon examination, the veterinarian found a purulent discharge from the vagina. An ultrasound examination revealed a formation in the uterine cavity, and it was decided to have an urgent operation — ovariohysterectomy (removal of the ovaries and uterus).
The operation was successful, and Sonya quickly recovered. However, blood tests showed leukocytosis, which required the appointment of antibacterial therapy.
The doctors of the veterinary center expressed gratitude to the owners of Sony for their responsibility and care, for strict adherence to postoperative recommendations and regular checkups. Now Sonya feels great, is active and pleases everyone with a cheerful mood.
Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

An African hedgehog was rescued from a uterine tumor at the Kirov veterinary center.
At the center, "Together with a faithful friend," they told about an unusual operation.