In Kirov, every eighth company has an unspoken preference for the social status of women
According to a SuperJob study, 13% of companies in Kirov have unspoken preferences for the social status of female applicants. In relation to male applicants, such preferences are noted less frequently — only 9% of companies.
Married women without children are the most vulnerable category in the labor market. Employers are afraid of them going on maternity leave, which leads to a hidden refusal to find employment. According to recruiters, "unspoken prohibitions" against female applicants exist in every tenth company.
Interestingly, in general, employers are more supportive of candidates who are married and have children, regardless of gender. However, it is women who are discriminated against because of the potential for maternity leave.
Experts point out that this practice is a violation of labor laws and urge applicants to actively defend their rights. They also emphasize the need to raise awareness among employers about the inadmissibility of discrimination based on gender and marital status.
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In Kirov, every eighth company has an unspoken preference for the social status of women
A SuperJob study showed that 13% of companies have unspoken preferences for the social status of female applicants, making married but childless women the most vulnerable category.