My stomach was bursting from the inside: a man unsuccessfully ate pickled cucumbers

My stomach was bursting from the inside: a man unsuccessfully ate pickled cucumbers

      A terrible case was reported in one of the hospitals in Vladivostok. A man with terrible abdominal pain had to be operated on urgently — doctors found peritonitis in the patient (inflammation of the abdominal cavity — editor's note).

      It turned out that surgeons found a piece of plastic in the small intestine of the Primorye resident, the size of which reached 1.5 by 2.5 centimeters. The foreign body entered the gastrointestinal tract, bypassing a huge route - the esophagus, duodenum and most of the small intestine, where the "forced stop" occurred, the portal reports. .

      According to the doctors, the sharp edges of the plastic fragment perforated the intestinal wall on both sides, which caused dangerous inflammation of the peritoneum.

      Surgeons managed to dissect the intestine and gently suture it after removing the dangerous object. It turned out that the patient had swallowed the foreign body while eating pickled cucumbers.

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