A bill banning the advertising of esoteric services is being submitted to the State Duma.

A bill banning the advertising of esoteric services is being submitted to the State Duma.

      Nina Ostanina, Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of the Family, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood, announced the introduction of a bill to the State Duma aimed at banning advertising of esoteric, spiritual and energy services. The bill also provides for the blocking of resources distributing such proposals.

      According to Ostanina, practices such as astrology, magic, energy "healing" and fortune-telling have no scientific basis, mislead people and are often used for fraud. The purpose of the bill is to protect citizens, especially vulnerable groups, from psychological and financial harm.

      Ostanina stressed that international experience shows that restricting such activities reduces the risks of fraud. The bill complies with the presidential decree on the preservation of traditional values and will not require additional budget expenditures. Ostanina called for support for the initiative to ensure the safety of society and strengthen trust in reliable information, noting that fraudsters stole more than 100 billion rubles from citizens' pockets in 2024 alone.

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A bill banning the advertising of esoteric services is being submitted to the State Duma.

The chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family Protection, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood spoke about the new initiative.