Kirovstat told how employees of Kirov organizations moved in 2024
According to the ministry, the largest number of employees is concentrated in manufacturing: almost one in four employees out of the total number of employees at the end of the year. However, despite this, manufacturing organizations are in the lead in terms of the number of employees required: 26.6% of all vacancies open to applicants. Vacancies in the public administration and military security, social security and trade sectors are also relevant.
In the Kirov region as a whole, by the end of 2024, employers declared about 16 thousand vacancies: 15.3% more than as of December 31, 2023. Most of all, there are not enough employees in the organizations of Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk: 8.8 thousand and 2.1 thousand vacancies were placed, respectively.
Last year, compared to the previous year, there was a slight decrease in the number of both accepted and retired employees of organizations. During 2024, 81,000 people were hired and 82.6 thousand people were laid off. The main reason for the dismissal was the employee's own desire: almost 80% of the total number of retired employees. Another 4% of employees left their place of work by agreement of the parties. Layoffs due to downsizing decreased by 22% compared to 2023 and amounted to 0.4 thousand people.
As noted in Kirovstat, the transfer of employees to a part-time position is a traditional adaptive strategy of organizations, as it allows you to optimize costs and at the same time avoid mass layoffs, while maintaining jobs. Last year, the most common mode of part-time employment was the provision of leave at their own expense (66% of all employees who were in part-time employment), part-time work by agreement of the parties (32.4%) and idle time (1.5%).
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Kirovstat told how employees of Kirov organizations moved in 2024
The number of employed employees of organizations in the Kirov region at the end of 2024 amounted to 273.8 thousand people.