Kirov Center of Cardiology and Neurology saved more than a thousand patients with pulmonary embolism

Kirov Center of Cardiology and Neurology saved more than a thousand patients with pulmonary embolism

      Over the past five years, the Center for Cardiology and Neurology has treated more than 1,000 patients with pulmonary embolism (PE). PE is a life-threatening disease characterized by the formation of blood clots in the pulmonary artery, blocking blood flow in the lungs and causing oxygen starvation of the body.

      Alexander Isakov, the chief physician of the Center, said that patients with suspected PE from Kirov are being sent to their facility, which is equipped with modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Timely medical treatment plays a crucial role in the treatment of PE. Thanks to improved diagnostics, the number of patients admitted to the Cardiology Center has increased from 140 to 223 cases per year over the past five years.

      PE ranks third in the structure of causes of sudden death after myocardial infarction and strokes. Isakov noted that undiagnosed and untreated PE can lead to serious consequences, including recurrent embolism and the development of chronic pulmonary hypertension.

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Kirov Center of Cardiology and Neurology saved more than a thousand patients with pulmonary embolism

The Ministry of Health told about the work done in five years.