Applications for the Clogging ravine improvement competition are being accepted in Kirov.

Applications for the Clogging ravine improvement competition are being accepted in Kirov.

      The Kirov administration continues to accept applications for participation in the architectural competition, the purpose of which is to develop a concept for the improvement of the Clog ravine. Participants are invited to present a project for a landscape and park complex designed for year-round use.

      The project should include a pedestrian zone, bike paths, a ski slope and recreation areas. The total area of the territory is 10 hectares, it covers the area from Karl Marx to Pristanskaya.

      Design and public organizations involved in architectural and construction design, as well as students of specialized universities studying in urban planning, architecture, design and landscape architecture are invited to participate in the competition.

      The prize fund of the competition is 200 thousand rubles. The winner will have the opportunity to participate in the further development of a project for landscaping and landscaping the territory of the Clog ravine. Applications are accepted until March 21 at the address: Kirov, Vorovskiy, 39, office 138 or by e-mail to [email protected].

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Applications for the Clogging ravine improvement competition are being accepted in Kirov.

The administration told us about the conditions of the competition.