Is the road marking in the city a "fat wallet for your own"?

Is the road marking in the city a "fat wallet for your own"?

      According to the deputy, "difficult questions" will be asked at the commission. For example, why does the cost of road marking work in the regional center halve (21-52 percent)?.. is it higher than similar works where the customer is the regional "Road Committee"? Despite the fact that the city spends more than 130 million rubles annually on "asphalt strips" (dividing strips and pedestrian crossings), which are barely enough for a couple of months.

      This is obviously familiar to all Kirov drivers, especially taxi drivers, who, when unexpectedly turning into oncoming traffic, usually explain: "I know that there is a double solid line here, but it has often not been visible since November, and since December for sure."

      Of course, as it suggests you can try to explain the "evaporation of markings" with low-quality road cosmetics, but then you will have to explain why it is twice as expensive as the "coloring of regional roads." Moreover, the "road color" is usually poured from one barrel.

      Therefore, Denis Erokhin's next question is predictable: if, at the conclusion of a contract, the parties sign a one-year warranty period, what claims and fines are issued for poor-quality work to the general contractor, which is permanently GDMS?

      Denis Valerievich also discovered an "interesting pattern": so in June, DGH determines the general contractor - the same JSC Gordormoststroy, which has probably been looking for subcontractors for three months to perform "marking work."

      In August and September, the asphalt was "chalked into squares" so that in November and December the drawings would be washed away by rains and the first snow. But if you make a claim to the contractor, the answer will be very objective - who makes the markings in winter? Next spring, we'll fix everything at our own expense. But, however, what kind of fool will correct sins for his money in May if there is a new competition in June? That is, as Erokhin writes in his address to the head of the City Duma, Kovaleva: "In fact, after six months the marking completely wears out and is applied again, but not under warranty, but under a newly concluded contract."

      Definitely not out of curiosity, but rather to fully understand the likely "schematics", the deputy also intends to get an answer to the question: how does GDMS find a subcontractor? After all, firstly, the procedure for finding a subcontractor should be competitive, but there is no data on its legally stipulated conduct. And, secondly, the list of subcontractors will help to determine exactly which of them and for what amount the penalties are imposed.

      On March 12, the Council of the Duma will be held, which will determine the day of the meeting of the Committee on Construction and Landscaping. According to the opposition deputies, this will be "another ridiculous performance," since, with all their desire to appear hardworking and truthful, in order not to sign off on a possible "scheme," officials allegedly "will have to awkwardly compose something on the move."

      "Why are we inviting all Kirov residents to watch this story?! I just really want the townspeople to know by whose will and for what reason we are growing stronger every day. After all, neither the party majority, nor the representatives of law enforcement agencies present at the meeting, who could ask significant questions (how many years has this principle of applying road markings been in operation, and how much damage can we talk about?) There is no hope. Both branches of government, as usual, will reverently listen to the administrative report and accept it as an axiom," the opposition argues.

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Is the road marking in the city a "fat wallet for your own"?

Deputy Denis Erokhin appealed to Elena Kovaleva with a request to summon the interim head of the Department of Urban Economy (DGH) to the March City Council Commission on Construction, Landscaping and Development of Engineering Infrastructure Dmitry Kuzmin. For the report "on the fulfillment of warranty obligations for marking the urban road network."