Kirov parents are shocked: the allowance for non-attendance of kindergarten turned into a debt

Kirov parents are shocked: the allowance for non-attendance of kindergarten turned into a debt

      Hundreds of Kirov families, whose children did not get into municipal kindergartens and who receive a monthly allowance of 10,000 rubles, faced an unexpected problem. The Kirov Department of Education notified them of the need to independently pay a tax of 13% on these payments. According to the parents, they were not warned about this in advance, and now that the money has already been spent, they have to look for funds to pay the tax.

      The problem arose due to the fact that the Department of Education was unable to centrally deduct the tax, citing the lack of a complete set of documents, including the INN, for all recipients of benefits. Parents are outraged because they do not understand how and in what time frame it is necessary to pay the tax, and the contradictory information coming from the Department of Education and the tax inspectorate only aggravates the situation.

      "This is a flaw in the Department of Education. People were not required to have an INN, otherwise the families would have provided everything initially. Information has not been established – people do not understand how and in what time frame the tax needs to be paid. They didn't receive any receipts," said Alisa Lekomtseva, an expert at the Popular Front.

      The Popular Front has sent an appeal to the office of the Federal Tax Service with a request to clarify how and at what time people will receive payment documents and will be able to pay the tax. Public activists fear that if the tax is not paid on time, debts will be collected in court, which will entail additional costs for parents.

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Kirov parents are shocked: the allowance for non-attendance of kindergarten turned into a debt

Kirov parents who receive benefits for not attending kindergarten found themselves in a difficult situation: they were suddenly informed of the need to pay the tax on these payments themselves.