Sokolov presented medal to 94-year-old veteran

Sokolov presented medal to 94-year-old veteran

      During a working trip to the Nolinsky district, the governor of the region, Alexander Sokolov, visited 94-year-old veteran Vasily Ivanovich Redkin. As a teenager, during the war years, the man worked on a collective farm, and in 1943, together with his parents, he moved to Nolinsk, where he worked as a locksmith in a multidisciplinary organization.

      On behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sokolov presented Vasily with a jubilee medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. "I bow low to all our veterans, to all the workers for their feat," Sokolov added.

      So, Vasily Ivanovich has 73 years of work experience. For a long time, the man worked as a chauffeur, and now sometimes he also gets behind the wheel and drives a car. At the meeting with Sokolov, the veteran thanked him for the repaired roads and for the new polyclinic building, and he also noted that he could not even imagine that he would ever meet with the governor.

      The man turned to Sokolov with a small request: "Our city bathhouse is not working right now. It should be done. And it's not just my request, it's from all the citizens." The governor, in turn, instructed the city and district administrations, as well as the relevant executive authorities of the region, to work together on the issue of repairing the bathhouse in Nolinsk.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Sokolov presented medal to 94-year-old veteran

The veteran asked Sokolov to repair the bathhouse in Nolinsk.