Kirov region ranks 66th in terms of salaries in industries

Kirov region ranks 66th in terms of salaries in industries

      The Sakhalin Region, Moscow and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District were among the top three regions in terms of salaries in industries last year. The highest salaries were recorded in the extractive industry and finance (244-317 thousand rubles). The last places went to Kalmykia, Ingushetia and Chechnya, where the average salaries in the leading industry (civil service) amounted to 54-60 thousand rubles.

      Kirov region took 66th place out of 85. Last year, the industry with the highest salary turned out to be the production of finished metal products. The average salary in the leading industry was 73 thousand rubles.

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Kirov region ranks 66th in terms of salaries in industries

RIA Novosti presented a rating of the regions for the highest salaries in various industries.