Salaries of power engineers in the Kirov region have increased, but demand still outstrips supply

Salaries of power engineers in the Kirov region have increased, but demand still outstrips supply

      According to the online platform Currently, more than 320 vacancies for power engineers have been opened in the Kirov region. Competition among applicants remains moderate, but the growing demand underscores the importance of attracting new specialists to the region.

      According to analysts, the situation in the Kirov region reflects an all-Russian trend: the energy industry needs qualified personnel. The growing demand and the increase in salaries indicate that employers are willing to invest in attracting and retaining specialists.

      Currently, the average salary of an energy engineer in the Kirov region is about 65 thousand rubles, and the most sought-after specialists can expect an income of over 140 thousand. However, the region is not yet among the leaders in terms of salaries in this area.

      Experts note that in order to overcome the personnel shortage in the Kirov region, it is necessary not only to continue to raise salaries, but also to create attractive living and working conditions, as well as to invest in improving the skills of local personnel. Otherwise, the region risks facing serious problems in ensuring stable energy supply.

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