The traffic police gave the women flowers and sweets

The traffic police gave the women flowers and sweets

      Traffic police officers together with students on one of the busy Kirov streets "braked" female drivers, congratulated them on the holiday, gave them flowers, themed sweets, wished health, beauty, happiness, spring in the heart and trouble-free driving.

      Themed sweets were made by students of the Kirov Technological College of Food Industry. "The action gave a lot of pleasant moments to everyone who participated in it. The women gladly accepted congratulations and gifts," the traffic police of the region said.

      It should be noted that the action took place on the eve of International Women's Day, on Friday, March 7.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

The traffic police gave the women flowers and sweets

On one of the Kirov streets, traffic police stopped women at the wheel and congratulated them on the holiday.