Health horoscope: Leo needs to be careful with food, and Sagittarius should go on a diet
Today, on March 9th, someone should arrange a fasting day. Someone needs to try not to be nervous. For some it is better to drink only real tea, and for others it is better to breathe fresh air in nature.
On this day, you should take a pretty serious approach to determining exactly what is hurting you and why. Does anything hurt? Are you absolutely sure about this?
On this day, your stomach can tell you a lot of unpleasant things about what you eat, so try to flatter it. If you suddenly fail, you should be patient.
On this day, the stars recommend that you drink only real tea. It is better to forget about all kinds of herbal teas that promise youth, health and other joys of life, at least for today: they will do your body more harm than good.
If you feel well enough, then today is ideal for a little "unloading" of your body. It's not necessary to go on a full-fledged diet, but it doesn't hurt to limit yourself a little in food.
Today, you may get poisoned by substandard or simply stale food, so the stars recommend that you do everything possible to take care of your stomach as much as possible.
Today, any kind of negative emotions will return to Virgo like a boomerang. Try to do everything possible to avoid launching these boomerangs: they will not bring you vigor and health.
On this day, you might want to think about coordinating preventive measures with your budget. Most likely, you will be able to find not only cheaper, but even more effective ways to maintain your health.
Today you should be as nervous as possible: your state of mind can have a rather negative effect on your body condition, and this can cause further negative consequences.
Today is the best day to start a cleansing diet, because today it will be much easier for you to show willpower and limit yourself to your favorite but unhealthy foods. But remember that the diet should be short-lived.
Today you should pay close attention to what exactly hurts you and why. Do your best to prove to your body that it doesn't need to be sick right now!
It may be quite difficult for you to breathe today – either the air will be somewhat unacceptable to your lungs, or they will begin to dream of something fresher and more sublime. Try to make their dreams come true even for a little while.
On this day, Pisces should not make important decisions about the health of their own body. They will be too hasty or they will be based on incorrect data. Wait until tomorrow.
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Health horoscope: Leo needs to be careful with food, and Sagittarius should go on a diet
Astrologers have given recommendations to all zodiac signs on how to improve their health and what they should pay closer attention to in order to benefit the body.