Kirov residents named the most coveted gifts for March 8th
According to the survey results, travel turned out to be the most desirable gift for International Women's Day. 16% of Kirov residents would like to receive money, and 11% would like tickets to the theater, cinema or museum. 9% of the respondents would gladly accept cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, watches or a gift certificate as a gift. 7% dream of a smartphone, the same number dream of household appliances or home electronics. 3% are waiting for certificates for training, and 2% are waiting for products for creativity and hobbies. Only 1% would like to receive dishes, kitchen utensils, delicacies, sweets, books, goods for sports and active lifestyle, as well as tea or coffee sets as gifts.
Other options included flowers, various expressions of care and attention, clothing, furs, subscriptions to electronic services, champagne, and others. Interestingly, 6 out of 10 women receive flowers on March 8, 16% — sweets, 11% — jewelry. Every 14th is given money, and every 20th is given jewelry and jewelry. Gift certificates go to 3% of women.
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Kirov residents named the most coveted gifts for March 8th
Kirov residents participated in a survey from the job search service SuperJob and named what they would like to receive as a gift on March 8.