In Orlov, a man broke into a private house and stole money

In Orlov, a man broke into a private house and stole money

      The police received a report of an illegal entry into a private house. A resident of Orlov came home and saw that the bag was not in its place. After checking the wallet that was in the bag, she realized that 5 thousand rubles were missing. At that time, her husband was asleep and did not see who came home and stole the money.

      It later became clear that an unemployed local resident, born in 1980, who had previously been prosecuted, was involved in the theft. He got into the house through an unlocked door. He spent the stolen money in a nearby store.

      Police officers detained the suspect. A criminal case has been opened against him under Part 3 of Article 168 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft committed with illegal entry into a dwelling). At the moment, investigative actions are underway.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

In Orlov, a man broke into a private house and stole money

A criminal case was opened against the man on the fact of theft committed with illegal entry into the home.