Kirov City Duma turns 30 years old
Today, March 15, marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Kirov City Duma. According to the head of the city, Elena Kovaleva, all this time the legal framework necessary for the management of Kirov, its socio-economic development and improvement of the quality of life of Kirov residents has been improved. The deputies made their contribution to the formation of local self-government bodies, continuing to consistently move forward, Kovaleva added.
"Looking back, we can say that we have moved from solving current problems to implementing comprehensive long-term transformation programs for the regional center. The positive changes that have taken place in Kirov over three decades inspire optimism and confidence that we are moving in the right direction," says the mayor.
In addition, according to her, over the past 30 years, the City Duma has become a platform for constructive dialogue between the government and the population. People are concerned about road repairs, landscaping, housing and communal services and public transport, budget replenishment, as well as the construction of schools and kindergartens. Deputies are aware of their responsibility to voters for their decisions, and they rely on their opinions and suggestions in their work, the city administration writes.
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Kirov City Duma turns 30 years old
Kirov City Duma celebrates its anniversary on March 15. The head of the city, Chairman of the Kirov City Duma of the VII convocation, Elena Kovaleva, told how 30 years of work had passed.