The Federal Antimonopoly Service roused itself, without disturbing the sleep of the deputies, the KSP and the prosecutor's office
The final stage of the competition was postponed upon receipt of a complaint from one of the bidders, Moscow-based Lighting Technologies Esco LLC (2B Otradnaya Street, Moscow, p. 7), about the illegality of the procedure, allegedly having, in the applicant's opinion, "signs of corruption." They say that the customer did not establish a ban on foreign software and imported goods in the Terms of Reference. In addition, Esko found "violations of the legislation on leasing and the contract system.
" "Only a child can think that the Road Committee will let an "alien company" approach two billion dollars, even if it is 20 spans in the forehead. Therefore, I suppose a competition could have been held, rather than an auction, to prevent its original value from falling... Yes, you got it right: having two billion in your hands, not one and a half billion, is probably much more interesting for the customer and his, let's say, supervisor. Was the competition "focused" on a specific contractor? I'm not saying, but anything can happen," an employee of the Ministry of Transport shares his opinion.
In his opinion, if the FAS hears the complainer (for example, about the mandatory - in the legislative sense - indication of a ban on foreign software and goods), then the Terms of Reference will have to be rewritten and new tenders will be scheduled: "Or, as often happens, the customer cancels the competition at the request of the FAS or on his own initiative - a mistake. a serious mistake has been made, and he will give the contract to the "sole supplier". Which, with such "tolerant security forces," will most likely work without unnecessary questions."
For the first time, massive "non-competitive procurement procedures" called "single-supplier procurement" Newsler.ru He began actively writing back in the summer of 2023. In January of the following year, UCC deputy Albert Bikalyuk tried to break through the stubborn silence of the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee by asking direct questions to the head of the Ministry of Transport Alexei Petryakov, who explained that he did not know anything about it.
As reported by Newsler.ru During 2023, Vyatavtodor purchased crushed stone 17 times from a single supplier in the amount of 1.4 billion rubles, diesel fuel and gasoline - ten direct purchases for 800 million, bitumen supplies - 735 million - four non-competitive contracts were concluded, and asphalt-concrete was purchased for 335. At the same time, in 2024, despite calls from deputies and Publishers for law enforcement agencies to "intervene," only seven official auctions took place. At the same time, 270 contracts were concluded "under direct contracts". And the vast majority of them are approved by Alexander Sokolov's signature.
So, by publishing the article "The region is included in a two-billion dollar "bonded loan" for highway lighting" (dated February 27), Newsler.ru He emphasized that a third of the 140 kilometers of public roads are unpaved. At the same time, with a load often not exceeding two or three, or at best, a dozen cars per day.
The leasing loan in the amount of 2.2 billion rubles will be repaid by the region until 2031 inclusive. Which, assuming 28 percent per annum, will actually triple the cost of the project. Although the lighting of dirt roads in the direction of dying villages, the very existence of which is doubtful by 2031, could be solved by the efforts of the "Road Committee".
And Kirov road workers added fuel to the fire, for whom it is obvious that asphalt must be laid first, and then "add light." So no one understood, although they suggested, why the regional authorities should get into a two-billion-dollar bondage today, especially with a budget deficit of about seven billion.
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The Federal Antimonopoly Service roused itself, without disturbing the sleep of the deputies, the KSP and the prosecutor's office
The Federal Antimonopoly Service has suspended the summing up of the results of the competition and the conclusion by the Road Committee of more than two billion-dollar contract for lighting 140 kilometers of public roads.