In Kirovsky housing and communal services salaries reach 150 thousand rubles.

In Kirovsky housing and communal services salaries reach 150 thousand rubles.

      Last year, companies from the housing and communal services sector opened 89,600 companies, which is 26% more than a year earlier. Over the past year, 300 new vacancies have been opened in the Kirov region (10% more).

      Interestingly, the region was most actively looking for staff from companies involved in landscaping and cleaning of territories and buildings. Employers from these fields have opened 43% of vacancies. In addition, organizations needed locksmiths, plumbers and other workers from the Water Supply and Sewerage sector (35% of vacancies). There is also an increased demand for personnel from employers in the field of "Repair of buildings and structures" (22% of companies)

      Utilities more often opened vacancies for locksmiths, plumbers, sales and customer service managers (5% each), as well as cleaners, janitors and drivers (4% each). By the way, the most in-demand (locksmiths and plumbers) are among the ten scarce specialists, and for one vacancy they account for only 1.5 resumes of potential candidates.

      More than half of the offers opened in housing and communal services require work experience from the candidate (72% of vacancies). The remaining 38% is available to beginners. According to the analysis, 97% of vacancies involve employment in their home region, and shift employment is possible in 3% of offers.

      What salary is offered to candidates

      As for salaries in the housing and communal services sector, in the Kirov region their market range was 45 thousand 977 rubles — 91 thousand 954 rubles. The maximum salary offers in the region are fixed in vacancies:

      construction control inspector — up to 166 thousand rubles per month

      automated process control system engineer — up to 150 thousand rubles per month

      foreman / master of SMR — up to 150 thousand rubles per month.

      In Kirov, one in eight companies has an unspoken preference for the social status of women. Salaries for power engineers in the Kirov region have increased, but demand still outstrips supply. Regional employment centers will merge into one

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In Kirovsky housing and communal services salaries reach 150 thousand rubles.

Tomorrow, March 16, housing and communal services workers in Russia celebrate their professional holiday. In this regard, analysts have found out which specialists companies need and what salaries they are willing to pay employees.