Kirenergo in the courts: minus half a billion in two days
And, if we take into account that the company's "official gesheft" is based only on the tariff - the actual difference between the cost of a kilowatt purchased from an electricity supplier and the reasonable "selling price" to the consumer, then residents of the region are likely to see a significant increase in tariffs. Despite the fact that the "Kirov pricing", if it does not exceed, then it is approximately equal to the tariffs of capitals and megacities.
So, on March 10 and 11, the Arbitration Court of the First Instance considered two claims of JSC Communenergo against JSC Kirovenergo for "collecting interest for illegal use of other people's money for two years." According to the court decision, the total amount of the March penalties amounted to 306 million rubles. Plus the verdict of the court of appeal (dated March 11): "for electric power transmission services in September-December 2022" - to recover 234 million rubles in favor of the plaintiff. That totaled 540 million rubles.
Interestingly, it was the tactics chosen by the "will of management" of Kirovenergo (not to pay Communenergo's bills until the decision of the cassation instance) that led to the fact that the total debt of Kirovsky kotloderzhatel exceeds 2 billion rubles today. They can only be reimbursed at the expense of a local electricity consumer, and not replenished from personal and subsidiary accounts, as well as from the wallets of the management of Kirenergo and PJSC Rosseti Center and Volga Region.
So, for example, if Kirenergo does not comply with the court decision of March 11 on the payment of 234 million rubles to Communenergo, then three months later, on June 12, when the Court of Cassation decides, the penalties, according to the rate of 21% per annum, will amount to 35 million rubles. And if the process drags on for two years, the amount of penalties will significantly exceed the principal debt.
According to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, it is fundamentally wrong to assert that only the unwillingness of the "boiler holder" not to pay the bills of the network partner on time. Since it is only with the support of the current regional leadership, who has probably agreed on a "personal political position" with the top management of PJSC, that Kiroenergo allows the legality of the judicial appeals decisions that have entered into force to be ignored.
"It can be assumed that after the recent change of management of PJSC ROSSETI Center and Volga Region (the departure of Igor Makovsky, who favored the head of Kirovenergo, Vladimir Kolesnikov), Kirovsky Vlast will think about the need for a fundamental change in attitude towards Communenergo. In particular, in the form of public attacks on the company and allegedly "failing to cope with the tasks of the management." After all, Boris Ebzeev, the new head of PJSC, allegedly asked in surprise: How did the Kirov branch get into that kind of money? So the personal intervention of the "leader of the local government echelon" could lead the situation to its legal resolution," the well-known MP argues.
He answered the question. Newsler.ru : was it too late for the local government to finally "notice" the likely attempt of a raider takeover of Communenergo: "I'll say this, it's better late than never." At the same time, the interlocutor recalled that before the start of the campaign to allegedly "destroy" Communenergo, a rumor was launched about the possible "ownership" of the enterprise by Vadim Sabrekov, the "thief in law" Cheburashka (or Vadik Kirovsky).
Back in May 2022, Kirenergo, as a state-owned "boiler holder" accumulating on accounts the money of all Kirov consumers refused to allocate funds to the grid company to pay for electric power transmission services. Kirenergo explained the refusal of direct obligations by the fact that the network operator had "stolen money." The courts categorically disagreed with this (the cassation decision of May 31, 2023), having overturned the verdict "on the refusal of penalties" from JSC Communenergo21.9 billion rubles for the period 2015-2019. Directly indicating to the "boiler holder" that it is not their competence to dispose of other people's money at their discretion.
But the firm position of the court "did not convince" the management of Kiroenergo of the need to make calculations. And having been mired in the courts for three years now, the company has accumulated fines for non-enforcement of court decisions for more than a billion rubles.
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Kirenergo in the courts: minus half a billion in two days
The Kirov branch of PJSC ROSSETI Center and Volga Region for two "court days" - on March 10 and 11 - once again "got into a lot of money" - more than half a billion rubles in penalties and current payments, mandatory for payment to Communenergo.