A man stole a young guy's phone on a train

A man stole a young guy's phone on a train

      The duty station of the Kirov linear department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was informed about the theft of a cell phone on the Kirov — Yar — Balezino train. So, a 20-year-old guy gave his smartphone to a fellow traveler during the journey so that he could call his family. Upon arrival at the Falenki station, the young man left the carriage, and only then remembered that the stranger had not returned the phone after the conversation. The victim estimated the amount of damage at 7 thousand rubles.

      The transport police promptly launched a search, which nevertheless resulted in the identification of the passenger, a 31—year-old native of the Kirov region, suspected of committing theft. It was established that the fraudster repeatedly asked the guy for a phone to make calls to relatives, and communicating on someone else's phone, the man saw how the owner of the phone got off at the station, but did not take any measures to return the smartphone. After that, he turned off his mobile phone, and then sold the stolen goods.

      A criminal case was opened into the fraud. At the moment, a preventive measure has been chosen in relation to the defendant in the form of an obligation to appear. By the way, the maximum penalty provided for by the sanctions of this article is imprisonment for up to 2 years.

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A man stole a young guy's phone on a train

A criminal case has been opened against a resident of the Kirov region on fraud.