Mizulina commented on the blocking of sticker packs in Telegram
Recall that today, on March 12, it became known that the Zuyevsky District Court of the Kirov region issued a decision declaring information contained in two sticker packs of the Telegram messenger in which images of Nazi symbols and paraphernalia of extremist organizations were found prohibited for distribution in Russia.
The court's decision noted that the sticker packs contain images of Nazi symbols and paraphernalia, as well as symbols and paraphernalia of banned extremist organizations, justification and justification for the permissibility of violence against certain groups of people. The Court stressed that this information is available to a wide range of users, including minors.
Ekaterina Mizulina, the head of the Safe Internet League, commented on the blocking of sticker packs on her tg channel. She noted that the blocked "packages" contain a lot of stickers with Hitler, skinheads and swastikas. "We are also waiting for the recognition of banned stickers with symbols of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukrainian terrorist organizations, which are being spammed everywhere," Mizulina wrote.
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Mizulina commented on the blocking of sticker packs in Telegram
Ekaterina Mizulina, the head of the League for Secure Internet, commented on the blocking of a number of sticker packs on the Telegram social network.