Go beyond the red line: will there be seven schools instead of five that were not completed?

Go beyond the red line: will there be seven schools instead of five that were not completed?

      While Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov puts the region on the "red line" for five undeveloped facilities, sources in the Ministry of Construction admit that there are actually eight problem schools, and by the end of the year their number may grow to seven.

      Let's find out why the promises of officials increasingly resemble the "tale of the bull" and what the tile gatherings of the ex-head of the administration with the developer have to do with it.

      Back in February, Minister of Education Sergey Kravtsov officially declared the Kirov region "the leader in the non-implementation of the federal project for the construction and modernization of schools." And he secured the first place on the "red line" for the region. "Kirov, as the champion of the rear guard," the Russian minister said, "did not deliver five of the ten promised educational buildings."

      On the other hand, on February 25, during a meeting of the School Construction Staff, a different report was given from Kravtsov's on the work already done last year: "Within the framework of the national Education project, two (out of ten) schools with a total capacity of 2,600 places were built."

      Positive assumptions about future achievements were also voiced.: "The construction of seven more educational institutions continues. Despite the fact that six of them are under the national project, and one in the village of Kurochkiny is at the expense of the regional budget."

      Promising does not mean getting married

      According to a source from the Ministry of Construction, despite the optimism of public statements, the head of the Kirov Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Skokov, has been "living on pins and needles" for two months:

      "Mikhail Vladimirovich understands perfectly well that the February "scolding of Kravtsov" is a small anger of the minister, who appreciated only the visible part of the iceberg. After all, there are not five "unfinished buildings" in the region, but eight. And three schools were not included in the reports as "unfinished", as the region extended the deadlines for contractors. Therefore, I believe that Skokov has objective confidence that at the end of this year the number of unfinished schools will not turn into zero and will not remain at the same level, but rather will grow to ... seven."

      So, according to the expert, the region can break its own record by overcoming the very "red line" beyond which "those responsible for construction" (and we will definitely not talk about former heads of the Ministry of Construction Igor Seleznev and Yuri Beresnev) will be welcomed with open arms only by the security authorities.

      If you see between the lines

      As a ministerial source explained, the handover of schools in Zubarevsky Forest and Stroiteley Avenue is like a hope for a good end to a sad story.: There is still no signed estimate documentation due to "discrepancies" in the estimates, which cannot be settled in one day.

      What, in fact, was reported by the first deputy chairman of the government in charge of the construction sector, Alexey Zherdev: "In order to receive budget funds, the contractor (IC Monolith) must receive an expert assessment of the estimated cost of work. The state expertise of the region reviews the documentation as quickly as possible. The main thing is that the contractor downloads it promptly and eliminates all comments."

      According to the builder, it would probably be worth mentioning that at one time, "carried away by the demonization of Churin," Monolith was left without financing, and the company invested its own money in the construction. The volumes of which are probably not satisfied with the customers (regional and city vinegar).

      The examination is still underway, but the pace of work is growing

      Also, according to a professional builder, there is little hope of completing the school in Dolgushino.: "Not even in December 2025, let alone next summer," where fatal violations are likely to be committed during the assembly of the frame. So, according to experts, "the school is falling."

      According to the official version (quoted by Alexander Sokolov): "... an expert examination has been ordered for the school in Dolgushino, which should assess the safety of the structure, since there was a case of falling beams at the facility. The experts' decision is expected, and we note an increase in the pace of work. But it is necessary to increase the dynamics. We will continue to resolve any issues that arise in the headquarters mode."

      "I hope you have noticed the words: "an expert examination has been ordered" and "a decision is expected", but at the same time "we are noting an increase in the pace of work" ... And I am beginning to understand the nervousness of the head of the Ministry of Construction," the interlocutor explains his vision of the problem.

      Did Shulgin's preferences end with Simakov?

      By the way, the opinion of Kirov builders is full of skepticism in the position of the "near finale" of the construction of schools on Rudnitsky and Torfyan streets:

      "According to the contractor on Rudnitsky, the situation was widely publicized in construction circles: the company not only built a school, but also residential buildings and was allegedly deceived by city officials who forgot about the promise to bring water to the housing stock and the sewer system. Business has risen, and so has school construction… In our circles, someone considers this blackmail, but, apparently, Golyshev (the owner of the construction company) could not agree on another way."

      Recall that in 2019, Roman Golyshev became close to the head of the city administration, Ilya Shulgin, and most likely received several lucrative construction orders at the same time. But today, the "Simakov team" most likely does not consider itself obliged to pay according to the former agreements."Optimism for salvation

      The surrender of schools in Kotelnich and Nolinsk is considered a particularly "disastrous forecast". Moreover, according to Alexey Zherdev, "a new project is being prepared for the first one," and for the second one, "a new contractor is being searched for" (instead of TD Assa, which left the Kirov region along with the advances received).

      As Alexey Zherdev explained, the completion of district schools is scheduled for the end of 2026. At the same time, the deputy chairman did not deny that it would take at least two years to produce a new draft of the Kotelnich school, estimate documentation and their subsequent approval by the state expertise. Plus a year and a half for the construction itself. He only explained that the government is "full of optimism."

      Moreover, while the Kotelnich administration is collecting 311 million rubles in advance from TD Assa (49.9% of the total cost of the project), and the trial may take two to three years, the issue of financing school construction, according to Alexey Alexandrovich, will be resolved by the regional budget.

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Go beyond the red line: will there be seven schools instead of five that were not completed?

The Kirov region risks becoming the "champion of the rear guard" in school construction: Control over unfinished buildings has been tightened, and regional authorities are balancing between optimistic reports and harsh reality.