Regional employment centers will merge into one
The other day, Mikhail Sandalov, Chairman of the Government of the Kirov region, signed an order "On the reorganization of the Kirov regional state-owned public institutions of employment centers."
"Reorganize the Kirov Regional State Government institution, the Kirov City Employment Center, in the form of a merger <...> by forming the Kirov regional state-owned institution "Employment Center of the Kirov region," the document says. That is, all regional employment centers will be merged into one, and the formed "Employment Center of the Kirov region" will become the legal successor in all rights and obligations of institutions. The functions and powers of the founder of the formed center will be assigned to the Department of the State Employment Service of the Kirov region.
As stated in the document, the new Center will include employment centers, depending on the number of working-age population in the municipalities of the region, as well as units that centrally manage the functioning of employment centers.
The measures necessary for the reorganization must be completed by July 1 of this year. Dmitry Kurdyumov, First Deputy Chairman of the regional government, will monitor the implementation of the order.
Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Regional employment centers will merge into one
The decree of the Government of the Kirov region on the reorganization of the Kirov regional employment centers has been published.