Over the weekend, 400 tons of reagents were poured onto Kirov streets.

Over the weekend, 400 tons of reagents were poured onto Kirov streets.

      According to the city administration, during the prolonged snowfall, contractors brought the maximum number of equipment and manual labor specialists to the Kirov roads. Over the weekend, due to heavy snowfall, patrol cleaning of roadways and sidewalks was mainly carried out. And on Sunday evening, road workers began clearing the streets to their full width.

      Kirov's road network has been treated with deicing materials: over the past weekend, about 400 tons of reagents were poured onto the streets of the city.

      The GDMS said that additional hired equipment and manual labor specialists were involved to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall. Some sidewalks were slightly flooded. To remove the water, teams were formed to divert the meltwater to the lawn areas.

      The Kirov City Hall also noted that due to the warming and active melting of snow, road workers have begun flood control measures: water pipes are being cleaned under the roadways to avoid erosion of the embankment and asphalt. Two brigades are engaged in clearing the rain intake grilles.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Over the weekend, 400 tons of reagents were poured onto Kirov streets.

The Kirov city administration told about the elimination of the consequences of the heavy snowfall that hit the city on Friday evening.