The village of Grebenki "lit up"

The village of Grebenki "lit up"

      The village of Grebenki "lit up"


       Today, 10:55 | Reporter



       After the intervention of the prosecutor's office, high-quality street lighting appeared on some streets of the village of Grebenki.











       Photo: Prosecutor's Office of the Kirov region

       The prosecutor's office of the Sunsky district of the Kirov region was informed that there was no proper street lighting in the village of Grebenki along Tsentralnaya and Prudnaya Streets in the evening and at night. This poses a threat to the life and health of road users.

      The Prosecutor's office submitted a submission to the head of the administration. At the moment, violations of the law have been eliminated, and street lighting has been restored.

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The village of Grebenki "lit up"

After the intervention of the prosecutor's office, high-quality street lighting appeared on some streets of the village of Grebenki.