The Dollar Tree: how to grow happiness in your apartment
Expert florist Nina Solovyova spoke about the features of this evergreen succulent, which came to us from Africa only about 30 years ago.
What is zamiokulkas?
Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) belongs to the Araceae family and is considered one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. Its tuberous root system allows it to tolerate heat and prolonged drought, making it an ideal choice for those who cannot water their flowers often.
The plant can reach a meter in height and decorates both apartments and office spaces with its large glossy leaves. Although an adult plant sometimes produces flower arrows, their beauty is inferior to the decorative foliage.
Why is it called the "dollar tree" and how to take care of it?
Zamiokulkas is popularly known as the "dollar tree" due to the belief that it attracts financial well-being. It is also called "female happiness", but there is a version that this plant can cause a "celibacy flower" — if you believe the signs, it supposedly scares away potential partners.
According to the expert, this flower is extremely undemanding.
Watering should be rare — once a month in winter, once a week in summer. It is better to water not in the ground, but in a pan to avoid rotting tubers.
Lighting: zamiokulkas tolerates both sunlight and partial shade well. However, it is important to gradually accustom him to the sun so that burns do not appear on the leaves.
Transplanting: every two to three years it is necessary to change the pot, choosing a more spacious one, since the root system is actively developing.
How to multiply zamiokulkas?
There are several ways of reproduction.
Division of the bush. The fastest method. A part of the plant is separated along with the roots and planted in a new pot.
Cuttings. You can use leaf cuttings, but this process takes up to two years until the young plant begins to grow actively.
Rooting in water. The leaves are placed in water with the addition of activated carbon to prevent rotting.
Division of tubers. The tubers are carefully separated and planted in the prepared soil.
Beware: poisonous juice! It is important to remember that zamiokulkas juice is poisonous. If it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it can cause irritation and even burns. Therefore, when working with the plant, it is recommended to use gloves, and put the pot itself out of the reach of children and pets.
By the way, there is only one type of zamyokulkas in nature — zamyelisty. However, thanks to the breeders, new varieties with different leaf colors have appeared.
The most popular varieties are Black Raven (black leaves), Lucky White (variegated leaves) and Zenzi (rich green leaves). udm-info.ru .
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The Dollar Tree: how to grow happiness in your apartment
In recent decades, an African plant called zamiokulkas has been gaining popularity in Russia. For many, it has become a symbol of financial well-being, women's happiness, and even... Celibacy! However, it should not be confused with the traditional "money tree" — the fat woman. These two plants, although similar in superstition, are completely different in their characteristics and care.