31 people were diagnosed with cancer in Luz

31 people were diagnosed with cancer in Luz

      Specialists from the Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology conducted a field trip to Luza as part of the ONCOpost campaign. The event was held on the basis of the Luz CRH.

      Specialists of various profiles took part in the action: mammologists, gynecologists, urologists, ENT, dermatologist, coloproctologist, as well as doctors of the diagnostic service and the Health Center of the Kirov Clinical Diagnostic Center.

      303 people were examined, 31 of whom had suspected cancer. During the campaign, 50 mammograms, 113 ultrasounds, 10 CT scans, 3 colonoscopies and 6 FGDS were performed.

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31 people were diagnosed with cancer in Luz

The government told about the results of the ONCOpost campaign.