Kirov residents were offered to choose a name for the raven

Kirov residents were offered to choose a name for the raven

      The black crow chick was admitted to the center last summer with multiple wing fractures and chronic diseases. Experts have concluded that the bird will not be able to survive in its natural habitat and will remain in a shelter for permanent residence.

      Despite the fact that the raven has been living in the "Big Nest" for almost a year, they still haven't come up with a name for it. The staff of the center decided to correct this oversight and asked subscribers to suggest options. The gender of the bird is unknown, so the name must be unisex and reflect the character of the raven. He likes to "chat" in his own language, takes treats from his hands, and likes to have his beak and neck scratched. Like all vranovs, he likes to swim, make a mess and hide goodies. Raven does not fly and limps a little, but he is very curious, likes to walk and break things.

      Suggestions by name can be left in the comments to the post in the center's group.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Kirov residents were offered to choose a name for the raven

The Big Nest Animal Welfare Center has asked subscribers to help choose a name for a raven that cannot return to the wild due to injuries.