In Novovyatsk, the road will be widened due to the tunnel
The government meeting discussed preparations for the construction of a tunnel in the Novovyatsky district and the planned overhaul of the bridge over the Chumovitsa River on Sovetskaya Street.
Vyacheslav Simakov, the head of the city administration, announced the beginning of the procedure for terminating the contract with the bridge designer due to his failure to fulfill his obligations.
It was also mentioned at the meeting that the construction of a tunnel under the crossing requires the expansion of the roadway, therefore it was proposed to consider the possibility of organizing four-lane traffic on the bridge.
In preparation for the construction of the tunnel, meetings were held jointly with the Ministry of Transport with residents of the Novovyatsky district to determine the optimal routes for public transport and the locations of stops.
In the near future, the administration will hold a press conference at which a detailed traffic pattern on this section for the tunnel construction period will be presented.
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In Novovyatsk, the road will be widened due to the tunnel
The government talked about the upcoming work.