Kirov resident to go to prison for child support debt of 230 thousand rubles
The Prosecutor's office of the Oktyabrsky district of Kirov supported the state prosecution in a criminal case against a 36-year-old local resident who had previously been held accountable for non-payment of alimony. The court found the woman guilty under Part 1 of Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (non-payment of funds for the maintenance of minor children).
During the trial, it turned out that the convict, who was able to work, deliberately ignored the court's decision obliging her to pay alimony for the maintenance of three children: her 16-year-old son, 14-year-old and 11-year-old daughters. Evasion of payments led to the formation of alimony arrears in excess of 230 thousand rubles. The absence of valid reasons for non-payment was confirmed during the investigation.
Taking into account repeated administrative and criminal charges for similar violations, the court agreed with the position of the public prosecutor and imposed a sentence of 6 months in prison. The woman will serve her sentence in a general regime colony, where she will go under escort.
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Kirov resident to go to prison for child support debt of 230 thousand rubles
A 36-year-old resident of Kirov was sentenced to six months in prison for systematically evading the payment of alimony for the maintenance of three minor children.