At the weekend in Kirov, the wind blew down trees on four streets

At the weekend in Kirov, the wind blew down trees on four streets

      In total, 50 incidents were recorded as a result of the cyclone that overtook the Kirov region last weekend. At the moment, three teams of workers are repairing defects in outdoor lighting in the city center, Novovyatsky district and Zarechnaya part of Kirov.

      In addition, the specialists of the Directorate of landscaping removed the fallen trunks and branches of trees. So, the poplar tree that blocked the path of trolleybuses on the U-turn circle of Chapaev Street was removed within a few hours. Presumably, the cause of the fall was the work carried out in the heat chamber, during which the roots of the tree were damaged. 

      The Kirov administration added that trees fell on the streets of Tsentralnaya in the Ganino and Azina districts near the intersection with Volodarskaya St. and on Khlebozavodsky Proezd. Specialists promptly fixed the problem.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

At the weekend in Kirov, the wind blew down trees on four streets

On March 17, work crews continue to repair defects in outdoor lighting that occurred over the weekend due to strong winds.