Health horoscope: Gemini needs a massage, and Leo needs active rest

Health horoscope: Gemini needs a massage, and Leo needs active rest

      According to astrologers, on March 16, someone needs to take care of their eyes, and someone needs to review their diet.


      Today, you need to be very modest in your food choices, as well as in your behavior. Try to do your best to decide what is vital to you and give up everything else.


      If you want to restore your nervous system with alcohol after stressful situations, then it would be better to abandon this idea now. It obviously won't do you any good, but the harm will be very significant.


      On this day, massage will especially benefit you, including special effects on the active points of your body. This will help you solve many problems much more efficiently and quickly.


      Cancers should not overexert their eyes. Try to spend as much time as possible at the monitor, do not get carried away with books with small print, give up knitting and sewing. The benefit of this kind of sacrifice will have to be made for a short time.


      These days, the Lions will clearly be on the rise, so you can take active recreation, it will only benefit you now. Besides, now you can safely take on new tasks and finish old ones.


      On this day, you should remember that it is also very useful to rest. To be honest, it's much more useful than working. Therefore, the stars recommend that you take a short day off whenever possible.


      On this day, Libra should take care of improving the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps you ate too much heavy food or just unusual foods for you - the hour of reckoning has come.


      Today, try not to keep negative emotions in yourself, because constant self-control can seriously harm your well-being and provoke the occurrence of those diseases to which you are theoretically predisposed.


      On this day, you should take your skin condition as seriously as possible. Do your best to provide her with as much help as possible.


      Stay away from fire and any other hot or flammable objects today. The risk of getting burns is greater than ever, it's better to spend the day closer to the refrigerator.


      Aquarians should probably help their liver function. In addition to the general rules of proper nutrition, you should pay attention to tangerines, because they can help to cope with this problem.


      Nowadays, it's especially worth taking care of people and problematic veins. Just in case, preventive measures can be taken for those Fish that do not experience such problems. Use special creams in combination with massage and for the time being give up tiring activities for the legs.

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Health horoscope: Gemini needs a massage, and Leo needs active rest

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