A court in the Kirov region has decided to block sticker packs in Telegram

A court in the Kirov region has decided to block sticker packs in Telegram

      The Zuyevsky District Court of the Kirov region granted the claim of the prosecutor of the Zuyevsky district, recognizing the information posted in two Telegram sticker packs as prohibited for distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation.

      As the court found, the sticker packs contain images of Nazi symbols and paraphernalia, as well as symbols and paraphernalia of banned extremist organizations, justification and justification for the permissibility of violence against certain groups of people. The Court stressed that this information is available to a wide range of users, including minors.

      The decision was made on the basis of the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activities" and other regulations prohibiting the dissemination of information promoting extremism, inciting hatred and hostility. The Court also referred to the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", which allows restricting access to information in order to protect the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

      According to the court's decision, Roskomnadzor is ordered to include these sticker packs in the Unified Register of Prohibited Information, which will result in their blocking in Russia. The court's decision is subject to immediate execution, but may be appealed to the Kirov Regional Court within a month.

      The case may be the first in a series of blocking of sticker packs on Telegram and other social networks containing prohibited information. Currently, the links to the sticker packs specified in the solution are not working.

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A court in the Kirov region has decided to block sticker packs in Telegram

The Zuyevsky District Court of the Kirov region has ruled that the information contained in two sticker packs of the Telegram messenger, which contain images of Nazi symbols and paraphernalia of extremist organizations, is prohibited for distribution in Russia.