Kirov residents are asked to help with the search for fluffy red Stepan
A beautiful fluffy red cat disappeared on December 30: he jumped from the second floor of an apartment on Mendeleeva St., 25 in the Southwest area. According to the owner of the cat, at first the pet walked along Moskovskaya Street to the Big Globe. Now a very similar fluffy is periodically seen at the Eternal Flame: "We go there every day, we just can't catch it," said the owner of the red—haired Stepan.
According to Nadezhda's cat, the pet has been walking for several months now. "He's an affectionate cat, pug is pretty, very fluffy and meows loudly. It seems to me that someone took him and took him away. There's a cat walking by the Eternal Flame, it doesn't have half a tail, of course, but it looks so much like ours! We would like to see him," says the hostess. She also noted that Stepan's right canine was broken and the tip of his ear was slightly "crooked".
If you have seen a similar cat, you need to call Alexey or Nadezhda by numbers.: 8 (922) 955-14-76 and 8 (912) 736-97-45. The loving owners really hope that they will meet their pet and are waiting for any information that can help in the search for red Stepan. In addition, it is reported that the owners of the cat promise a reward in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.
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Kirov residents are asked to help with the search for fluffy red Stepan
Pet cat Stepan, who will turn 3 in the summer, went for a walk and still has not returned home.