The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation became interested in the problems of the Kirov overhaul
Although hundreds of Kirov residents who have been subjected to "major repairs" do not believe in either a real or a critical report to Bastrykin from the local SKA. For three years now, he has allegedly "not noticed" any "egregious facts" accompanying the destruction of apartments: flooding, mold, furniture destruction, cold, through cracks to the street and the canopies and balconies that tend to fall on the heads of residents. Neither the quality of the work carried out, nor the quickly plastered facades of residential buildings. Nor, perhaps, the free "juggling" of people's money, which filled the account of the Capital Repair Fund with three billion rubles.
Dozens of times already Newsler.ru Responding to the complaints of Kirov residents, he wrote about the lack of repair quality. And also about the repeated and long-term failure of deadlines, publishing photos and bundles of documents and complaints from "places of events." But one thing is clear so far: the trial in the case of acting director of FCF Lavrentiy Sitnikov has been postponed indefinitely due to "insufficient expertise" of roof repairs in a house on Moskovskaya Street, 3 - "to conduct a second construction and technical inspection." Although there are dozens of such houses with a grid instead of repaired roofs and plaster that has fallen off the facade in Kirov.
The other day to Newsler.ru a group of Kirov residents contacted, telling a kind of "anecdotal case" from the life of the "FKR", which could well have drawn on the preamble of the criminal case. About how a residential building was completely renovated for six million dollars, and a few months later it was demolished as a territory for a new construction site.
Here's a new twist
...The residents of the two-story apartment building at 84 Nekrasova Street (Korolenko 17) considered the 1957 building to be almost cursed. The brick house with wooden floors had been in disrepair for many years. And even the roof repairs in 2019 only added to the hassle and excess fluid. The roof was leaking like a sieve, which made the old mold riotous, and the stretch ceilings looked like sails.
Happiness came unexpectedly: in 2023, the contractor, LLC Santehmontazh, began major repairs of the building at the expense of FKR funds. And in the autumn of the same year, the old house, having changed the facade color of the "sick carrot" to the "winter sun", looked almost like candy. According to the terms of reference, the contractor, in addition to repairing the roof and facade, replaced the water utilities (hot water, heating, HVAC). The cost of the work amounted to six million rubles.
However, in December 2024, after settling the tenants, the newly born house began to be demolished. And in January and February, the construction site was prepared... And no one in the City Administration, the Regional Government, or the Duma asked: why were the 6 million dollars needed to overhaul a house intended for demolition?"I assure you, you will not be able to get answers to the questions. FKR will assure you that "the house was on the schedule of major repairs," and they did not suspect its future demolition... Although, of course, you can try to find that schedule - it's not a piece of paper, but an official document. But I think the Foundation will figure out what to say to the press. The mayor's office will say that the house was demolished, and none of the officials knew that it had been completely renovated. It's clear to everyone that it's kind of a lie, but how can you prove otherwise?" - says a source from the Ministry of Construction.
He also suggested, to begin with, contacting the deputies of the City Duma and clarifying that none of them had heard that the building at 84 Nekrasova Street was considered dilapidated. And immediately turn to Simakov, who probably knows that dilapidated houses are being demolished in the Integrated Territorial Development project. Then why wasn't it brought in, but demolished at the same time?
"Well, dance slowly on: if the house is not recognized as dilapidated and not for demolition, then who made the decision to dismantle it? And in whose favor? But keep in mind, no one admits to being involved in the embezzlement of six million rubles. It's up to the Investigative Committee to ask such questions, really... First, a claim for damage to FKR must be received. And who will write it? Director of FCR Sitnikov? Well, isn't it in collusion with the city, or in the hope of a lighter sentence?"
The ugly version
But a private conversation with a city official who complained that the Newsler had "gone wrong again" was much more interesting. Although she also did not give hope for the successful completion of her own investigation:
"Partly understanding the current "construction kitchen", I can assume a possible multi-pass scheme. For example, only the facade of the house was painted for a lemon and a half, and knowing full well that no evidence could be found after the demolition, the rest was probably put in their pockets. Did the residents know about the demolition? What do you think if no one complained about the unplanned eviction? And no one spent money on repairs in their apartment, although after the "overhaul", especially the replacement of communications, extra holes appear, and you can talk to your neighbors through the ceiling. So, apparently, not only the city administration was "in the topic," but also the residents of the house, and probably the developer himself."
Answering the question Newsler.ru if there are any versions about the developer, the interlocutor replied that it was worth waiting a little bit when the company's name appeared on the fence between the road and the construction site: "It will be in a few days - there is already a crane there."
At the same time, the official "drew attention to one interesting detail.": so on Lenin Street, 119, there is also an old two-storey building with a date of birth in the early 50s of the last century:
"The building is dilapidated - it's not a secret, a few years ago it was given the status of "critically dilapidated". But it was also completely renovated... Is the building listed in the "KRT"? The answer is no. Therefore, the similarity of situations shows on the face. And the only difference is that the house on Lenin is a very tasty morsel, much sweeter than on Nekrasov. Especially when you consider that there is a rather large wasteland nearby, left after the demolition of the barracks at 117 Lenin Street ... Yes, the very site that the City Administration has already tried to give away for the construction of a high-rise or a shopping center. And I would have given it if you hadn't made a fuss that the residents of the Central Market neighborhood were demanding that a park or square appear."
Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation became interested in the problems of the Kirov overhaul
The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, puzzled the regional department by conducting an inspection under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers." And he instructed Andrey Vinogradov to personally monitor her procedural progress. And also to prepare a report on the established circumstances.