The failure of the construction of a house for displaced persons endangers the future of the residents of Kirovo-Chepetsk

The failure of the construction of a house for displaced persons endangers the future of the residents of Kirovo-Chepetsk

      Unfulfilled hopes and years of waiting — this is what the residents of Kirovo-Chepetsk, whose houses were recognized as emergency, faced. The construction of a five-storey house for displaced persons, for which more than 370 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget, was supposed to be completed at the end of 2023. However, due to the controversial scheme of the contract, the contract with the developer was terminated, and the construction was frozen.

      According to the Popular Front, the reason for the disruption was the practice of concluding contracts at an approximate price followed by an examination of the estimated cost. A significant reduction in the contract price after the examination put the developer in a difficult financial situation. Now, when only 4 of the 5 floors have been built, the Kirovo-Chepetsk administration is considering the possibility of paying compensation instead of providing apartments, which causes serious concerns among residents.

      "Most of the general construction, the dirtiest work has been completed. The federal money has been spent. People are waiting for apartments. You can't just abandon the project — any alternative ways will leave the city unfinished, and the budget with heavy losses," said Sergey Altobaev, an expert at the Popular Front, insisting on the need to complete construction.

      The story of a 63-year—old chepchanka living in Karinthorf is a vivid example of the plight of the displaced. Her house at 6 Leninskaya Street was declared an emergency 10 years ago. After the flooding of the apartment with hot water several years ago, the woman was forced to wander among relatives, continuing to pay utilities for uninhabitable housing, including more than 6 thousand rubles for heating.

      According to information from the regional Ministry of Construction, residents of Karinthorf are planning to relocate to a house under construction in 2025, attracting a new contractor. However, calls from the city administration asking about compensation cast doubt on these plans. The Popular Front intends to control the situation, ensuring efficient spending of budget funds and fair solutions for all displaced persons. The fate of 138 families who have been living for years waiting for decent housing remains uncertain.

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The failure of the construction of a house for displaced persons endangers the future of the residents of Kirovo-Chepetsk

In Kirovo-Chepetsk, residents awaiting relocation from emergency housing turned to the president for help due to the delayed construction of a new house. The Popular Front took control of the situation, fearing inefficient spending of budget funds and unfair compensation decisions.