Love horoscope: Taurus will choose between the former and the current, and Pisces needs to feed and warm a loved one.

Love horoscope: Taurus will choose between the former and the current, and Pisces needs to feed and warm a loved one.

      Today, March 5th, someone should take stock and start a new chapter. Someone is advised to listen to the words of a loved one in order to better understand them. Someone will need "book wisdom", and someone will want to lose themselves in their beloved.


      Today it may seem to you that your soulmate is comfortably ensconced around your neck, and even brazenly dangling his legs. Take it off immediately: you don't need such a burden. However, isn't this the best way to bind a person to yourself – to constantly help him and subsequently become irreplaceable for him?


      On this day, it will not be easy for you to choose between your current and former loved one. The present and the future will tear you in half, and choosing between them will be very, very difficult. However, no one is rushing you: you have at least a week to think about it.


      Everything is more or less normal for Gemini on this day. Perhaps the only exception is their relationship with the parents of their significant other. Obviously, you've really pissed them off the other day, and now you'll have to work hard before they regain their former love and trust.


      On this star day, I recommend that you think about what you've done and what you haven't done lately. It's a good day to take stock, figure out which features of your relationship with your loved one should be said goodbye right now, and which ones should be moved to a new page.


      On this day, you won't want to understand either your feelings or your partner's feelings. Just live every minute next to him, be happy, sad, be a part of him, his soul mate, his happiness and grief. Maybe it's not so bad to dissolve in this way?..


      Today you will really want to become a soulmate for your loved one. This means that it is its logical continuation, its integral part, its thought and feeling. However, it's not so much romantic as it is difficult, but it's worth a try, at least for a while.


      On this day, the stars recommend that you pay special attention to which toasts your loved one makes during the celebration. They will show how subtly he feels the mood of your mutual friends, what he needs from life and how much he is an original person.


      Today, the experience that you once learned from some clever book will be very useful to you. You could not have imagined that the words spoken by one of the characters, which are so firmly embedded in your memory, will become so relevant to you. So it's time to do what you would like him to do then.


      You are so selflessly devoted to your soulmate that you are no longer an independent person. This, of course, is not bad: there are fewer conflicts and more mutual understanding. But today it's still worth thinking about yourself, your pleasure and your well-being. Be a little selfish!


      Today it will be very difficult for your loved one to understand the motives of your behavior, because it will seem to him infinitely illogical, wrong and inappropriate. However, most likely, a quick explanation of its causes will be more than enough to restore peace.


      Today, your loved one will turn out to be extremely voracious: no matter how much you feed him, it won't be enough. Therefore, you don't have to think much about the taste of food: take better care of its quantity. There should really be a lot of food: for five rather hungry people, at least.


      Today, your loved one will be cold, sad and lonely, and only in your power will you stop this outrage by caressing, hugging and comforting your soulmate. If you do it right, that is, so that it works, you will even be surprised at the affection and tenderness you will receive.

Другие Новости Кирова (НЗК)

Love horoscope: Taurus will choose between the former and the current, and Pisces needs to feed and warm a loved one.

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