In the Kirov region, a "dropper" returned the stolen money to a woman
A 55-year-old resident of the Malmyzhsky district suffered from the illegal actions of intruders: they stole money from her in the amount of almost 100 thousand rubles. A criminal case was previously opened under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud).
When interacting with the operational services of the police, it turned out that the stolen money was transferred for subsequent cashing to the current account of a dropper living in the village of Kilmez, Kirov region. The prosecutor filed a lawsuit with the Malmyzhsky District Court demanding that the amount of unjustified enrichment be recovered from the owner of the bank account, as well as forgiveness for using other people's money. Without waiting for a court decision, the defendant returned the stolen goods to the woman.
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In the Kirov region, a "dropper" returned the stolen money to a woman
The prosecutor's office helped the woman to get back the stolen almost 100 thousand rubles.